Solar modules are made of Photovoltaic (PV) cells which converts sunlight to direct current (DC) electricity.
The solar panels are connected to a battery bank through a charge controller which is responsible for regulating the amount of charge going in the batteries to avoid over/under charging of the batteries.
The inverter converts DC electricity into alternating current (AC) electricity needed to run your appliances as assembled in your electrical panel otherwise called Mains Distribution Board (MDB or DB).
The DB sends power to lights and your other appliances.
A meter (if needed) can be connected to measure the energy you draw and shows the status of available usable power.
HIANS Energy Solutions Limited offers only premium solar products combined with installation designs (solutions) engineered 100% to your individual need. Our track records speak in our favor – quality equipment, very knowledgeable in our chosen field, have the capacity to execute all manner of solar power projects, and we also offer very competitive pricing for all our products and services.
Besides the obvious benefits, from maintaining a cleaner environment to reduction in your electric bills, going solar provides energy reliability and security.
Solar energy otherwise called Photovoltaic could literally be translated as light-electricity. That is energy from the sun converted into electricity. It is renewable in nature and to a greater magnitude, the most powerful energy source on earth. It is readily available and will never run out.
Compared to Solar Water Heaters, solar panels only utilize the lights (sun rays) emitted from the sun but not the heat, which seems to be a common misconception. Solar panels actually do not need the heat from the sun like the Solar Water Heaters. Hence the hotter a solar panel gets, the less efficient it becomes. During the day the photovoltaic cells (solar cells) absorb light from the sun and convert it to DC electricity. This electricity is then fed to the Inverter via the battery bank is converted to AC electricity, which is then usable by your home and businesses.
Solar power system is very affordable. Recent price drops and innovations in solar technology have made it significantly cheaper than other sources of electricity generation. The return on investment is within 1 – 2years for most home users depending on the capacity of your system. So an average family will recover its cost within this period. But it is worthy of note that the more energy you consume, the shorter your payback period.
Also, going Solar would lead to significant cost saving over petrol and diesel generators, as Solar costs are fixed and are not affected by changes in oil or any other input prices.
During daylight hours, energy from the sun is absorbed by the panels to power your appliances and also store some in the batteries. When the sun goes down, the inverter automatically sources its energy from the battery bank, providing you with uninterrupted supply of electricity.
Our high quality deep cycle batteries come with a minimum useful life of 5 years.
It all depends on your daily electricity consumption. The more you consume, the bigger the system capacity you will need to power your home or business.
You need to work out how much electricity you use each day. This can be done based on the number of appliances you use, their power rating in Watt (W) multiplied by how long you use them for per day in hours. The result you get will be in Watt-Hour (WH), which actually is the amount of electricity you require per day
A 1Kw system will produce between 4KWh – 6kWh of electricity per day. The amount of energy generated by the solar panels is based on the amount of ‘Peak Sun-rays hours’ received, and depends on location. In Nigeria, the range of peak sun-rays hours is between 4 and 6 in the South, to as high as 8 in the North. The higher the peak sun-rays hours, the fewer solar panels required to generate the same amount of energy.
Nigeria is one of the countries blessed with higher amount of solar radiation each year and is most suitable for using solar energy in tackling her electric power challenges.
They can be installed on the roof so as to be exposed to maximum sunlight reception. They can also be mounted on the ground on an independent structure if there is insufficient space on the roof. The latter is most applicable to individual or businesses with large premises that require huge electricity generation.
The installation process for a residential apartment, depending on the size of the house and the capacity of the system, could take less than a day or 2-3 days at the very most.
Solar panels with high efficiency come with a 10 – 12year manufacturer’s warranty and a 25year performance guarantee – which guarantees that your solar panels will perform at least at 80% efficiency in 25years, still providing power for smooth operation of your business or home.
Solar panels last for over 45 years. They usually come with a full 25-year manufacturer’s warranty. With guaranteed performance efficiency of 90% after 10 years and 80% after 25 years.
No. 1 Bank Avenue, off Okpara Avenue, Beside First Bank Main Branch, G.R.A Enugu.